Is Acupuncture covered by insurance?
Yes! Several plans are offering coverage on Acupuncture. It does indeed increase access to Acupuncture for more patients.
But there are drawbacks.
Limitations to Acupuncture coverage
There are alternatives to insurance coverage, and Community Acupuncture is your alternative. We do accept FSA and HSA cards but we do not bill insurance.
But there are drawbacks.
Limitations to Acupuncture coverage
- Meeting deductibles before coverage kicks in
- Co-pays as much as $60 per visit
- Limit the number of visits you can have, regardless of progress in health
- Needing to justify a treatment plan to an insurance company not acquainted with you or your specific health needs
There are alternatives to insurance coverage, and Community Acupuncture is your alternative. We do accept FSA and HSA cards but we do not bill insurance.
Options |
Insurance |
Quality Community Acupuncture |
Deductible? |
Check your plan |
N/A |
Cost? |
$20-$60 Co-pay |
$40 Minimum |
Visits Covered |
Limited |
Unlimited |
Referral |
Often required |
Not required |